Logo: square academic cap in progressive pride colors

What is queer@hochschulen?

queer@hochschulen is an independent association to interconnect various LGBTIQAA*- representatives of Austrian universities and universities of applied scienses. It consists of students, teachers, and empoyees in higher education.

Zu den queer@hochschulen Vereins-Statuten (German only)

Part of queer@hochschulen are:

  • the Department of LGBT* Matters of the Union of Students of the TU Vienna,
  • the Union of Students of the University of Vienna and the University of Vienna,
  • the rainbow group at the Medical University and the general hospital Vienna,
  • the Ferdinand Porsche Fern FH plus the council for Gender & Diversity,
  • queer@FH Campus Vienna and the Department for Gender & Diversity Management of the FH Campus Vienna,
  • queer_mdw of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna,
  • q_wir@wu of the the Vienna University of Economics and Business,
  • FH Joanneum, Equality and Diversity,
  • the Queer-Referat of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and
  • the Queer_Referat of the ÖH Bundesvertretung

What are our goals?

The goal of queer@hochschulen is the mutual support of the individual LGBTIQAA* groups and the realization of joint projects, e.g., the Viennese 'Rainbow Parade' (celebrating the CSD) and the info booth at the annual Pride Village. Each year, we support two final degree theses that refer to queer issues. We meet on a regular basis (via jitsi and on site) and initiate networking events.

Every affliate to any higher education institution is cordially welcome to join us!

> You want to get in contact with us?
> Your Institution would like to connect with queer@hochschulen?

If your institution does not already have a group, which supports and tries to better the situation for LGBTIQAA* people and you are thinking of starting one, we would like to support and help you. Just get in touch with us via queerhochschulen@gmail.com and will figure something out.

You would like to receive our infos?

Then please write an e-mail to queerhochschulen@gmail.com with the e-mail address with which you would like to receive the information. You will then receive an e-mail from Vera or Karo with our privacy policy and another request for “yes” if you agree with it. If yes, we will then enter your e-mail in our listserver hosted by MedUni Vienna and you will receive our information immediately.
Of course, you can also unsubscribe from the list at any time.