January 9, 2025, MIND: PREPONED TO 5pm!:
queer@hochschulen planning and organization meeting.😊
The meeting is open to all interested students, lecturers and staff from universities, universities of applied sciences and other higher education institutions, no registration necessary.
Location and link to attending online as usual via our queer@hochschulen mailing list. How to get on that list you learn here:
(Image: Vanessa SG / Pixabay)
TIN-Workshop: Selbstbehauptung in Bewerbungssituationen
13.12., 14:30-19:00, Universitätsstraße "U5", 1010 Wien
queer@hochschulen veranstaltet nun bereits zum dritten Mal den Workshop Selbstbehauptung in Bewerbungssituationen für trans*inter*nicht binäre Personen! Er ist eine Einladung, Erfahrungen und Strategien rund um Bewerbungen miteinander zu teilen, zu erarbeiten und auszuprobieren.
Trainer*innen: RIa Köhne & Leo Wyss
Der Workshop richtet sich hauptsächlich an Studierende, freie Plätze werden gerne an nicht studierende tin* Personen vergeben.
Hast du noch Fragen, oder magst dich anmelden? Dann schreib eine Mail an
Es ist Platz für 6-15 tin* Teilnehmende, der Workshop ist für euch kostenfrei.
Bei Bedarf einer Rampe zum Lift bitte Bescheid geben, dann steht sie bereit.
THU, Nov 21 and THU, Dez 5, from 5:30 pm until - depending on weather conditions - approx. 8 pm
✨🌲❄️ pre-Christmas Punch-Get-Together by queer@hochschulen.
Meeting point: Österreich 1/ Ö1-punch boot at the Christmas market “Art Advent” in front of Karlskirche.
Watch out for the rainbow flag.
Come and join us - nice conversations with lovely people over a hot drink. (self-paying)
We are already looking forward to it! 😊
(Image: Askar Abayev on Pexels)
planning and organization meeting
November 4, 5pm-7pm
queer@hochschulen planning and organization meeting.😊
Location and link to attending online as usual via our queer@hochschulen mailing list.
(Image: Lisett Kruusimäe/ Pexels)
queer@hochschulen scholarship 24/25
Yeah, the queer@hochschulen scholarship is back!🔥
The scholarship is available for ongoing, not yet completed academic qualification theses on LGBTIQQAA* relevant topics.
Learn more
Hiking event Winter Term 24/25
We are looking forward to many registrations for another queer@hochschulen hike and a great day with you!🌞 With a visit to a Heurigen afterwards, of course!😉
Registration via our email
(alternative date in case of bad weather: November 10th)
planning and organization meeting
September 24, 5 to 7pm.
Location and link to attending online as usual via our queer@hochschulen mailing list.
(image: Vanessa SG on Pixabay)
ÖGGF Conference 2024
September 18 to 20 in Graz.
Link to the conference website
On Wed, 18, 10:30 to 12:30am
a pre-conference Inter*Trans_Nonbinary Brunch will take place at Parks Bio Fair Trade Café.
Baden Pride
queer@hochschulen attended the first Baden Pride 😊
At there's even a short interview with us from minute 01:32! 🔥
Bua Cek exhibition by Kenneth Constance Loe, June 18 to to June 30
Invitation to Kenneth's exhibition, which was created as part of his master's thesis. queer@hochschulen awarded this research project with the queer@hochschulen scholarship and we are happy with Kenneth about the soon graduation! 😊
Location: Academy of Fine Arts Vieanna, Kurzbauergasse 9, 1020 Vienna, Room EG.10.
OÖ-Pride Bad Ischl
We attended the Upper Austrian Pride in Bad Ischl 🌞!
Claiming "Mia san queer, mia san do. Gwents eich drån", the first Upper Austrian Pride Event took place on SAT, June 15 with an awesome crowd of about 2000 participants. queer@hochschulen were present as well 🤩 and our buttons were highly popular ... 😊
Pride Parade "Regenbogenparade" SAT, June 8
We're attending the Viennese Pride Parade!
Our starting place: Number 15. We got some nice electric cargo-bikes together with strong music boxes! 🤩
The parade starts at high noon!
We are looking forward to your company and kind support (e.g. posing with our rainbow colored academic gowns or distributing our buttons) 😊!