Logo: square academic cap in progressive pride colors

Funding and Sponsoring

Scholarship for qualification works on LGBTIQQAA*-relevant topics

Funding is available for ongoing, not yet completed qualification theses (e.g. diploma, bachelor and master theses, dissertations) on LGBTIQQAA*- relevant topics in all scientific disciplines that are being written at Austrian universities (but no advanced training courses, MBA studies, or postdoctoral lecture qualifications). Relevance, scientific level and innovation content will be assessed.

Please also forward this information to your networks, at your universities and everywhere where theses on the topic of LGBTIQQAA* are being written.
→ here's the PDF

How much is the scholarship?

Each submission will be evaluated in a review process by the scientific advisory board. The most eligible submissions will receive a scholarship in the minimum amount of 300 Euros. The total amount of the scholarship is 3,000 Euros in the application period 2024/25.

What are the formal criteria?

To be submitted:

  • a detailed description of the planned project in German or English (introduction with research status and derivation of the research question/objective, planned method, bibliography, extended bibliography, time schedule) with at least 2500 and max. 3500 words
  • letter of recommendation of the supervisor (incl. the feasibility of the work and the qualifications of the person submitting it)
  • personal details: name, e-mail, telephonenumber, field of study, university, curriculum vitae
  • holder of the account, IBAN

Only one submission per person is possible. Decision on the award is made by queerr@hochschulen with the inclusion of the reviews of the scientific advisory board. Members of queerr@hochschulen are excluded from the scholarship.

Where to submit?

Submission should be made by mail to queerhochschulen.stipendium@gmail.com. All inquiries regarding the scholarship should be sent to this e-mail address as well. The contact persons responsible for the scholarship are Ingrid Wahl and Britta Harringer.

When is the closing date?

For W2024/25: December 16, 2024

How will the submission be evaluated?

For the review process there is a scientific advisory board, i.e. a team of reviewers working in different scientific disciplines. Each submission that meets the formal criteria will be evaluated by at least two members of the scientific advisory board using a standardized review sheet. The best rated submissions will be awarded.

When and how will the scholarship holders be informed?

Notifications will be made by email between February 24 and March 3, 2025.

General information

The grant is tax-exempt. The prerequisite for this is that the work is not carried out in the form of a contract of employment or a contract for work and the sum of these grants in the calendar year does not exceed the annual maximum study grant for self-support scholarship according to the Study Assistance Act.

Legal notice

The personal data provided by the submitting persons will be processed electronically by queer@hochschulen and the members of the scientific advisory board. Disclosure to third parties is excluded. There is no legal claim to the award and no right of appeal. Submissions of previous award winners will only be considered in special cases.

For award winners

The award winners agree to present their work at the award ceremony. Furthermore, they allow queer@hochschulen to use their name and the topic of the submission for the purposes of communication and media support, in particular on the websites queer@hochschulen, and to provide information on the content of the submission as well as information on the person of the award winners and, if applicable, on their previous academic work. queer@hochschulen is not granted any rights to the commercial exploitation of the submission as a whole or of parts thereof. In the event that an award-winning work is published, the award winners agree to cite the funding provided by queer@hochschulen (in a publication, for example, mentioning in the preface) and, to place the queer@hochschulen in an appropriate manner. In addition, queer@hochschulenis to be provided with a copy of the publication (PDF).
Should any of the afore mentioned requirements not be fulfilled by prize winners, queer@hochschulen reserves the right to reclaim any prize money already paid out.


Dominika Betakova, Kamil Dziubek, Helga Eberherr, Julia Fent, Katharina Gangl, Therese Garstenauer, Stefan Gasch, L Glaser, Martin Gössl, Igor Grabovac, Helga Haberler, Theresa Haller, Roswitha Hofmann, Felix Ihrig, Margit Kanka, Bente Knoll, Harald Kühnel, Anna Maria Planitzer, Markus Pöchtrager, Karin Schönpflug, Veronika Schöpf, Magdalena Siegel, Katta Spiel, Bärbel Traunsteiner, Ingrid Wahl, Angela Wroblewski, Vera Wittkowsky, Irene Zanol

Awardees 2023/24

Name Discipline University Type of thesis Titel
Barbara Prähauser Social economy and social work FH Campus Vienna Master's thesis Heteronormative Strukturen in der Wiener Wohnungslosenhilfe: Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen LGBTIQ+ Wohnungsloser
Julika Kretschmer Work, social, and economic psychology University of Vienna Master's thesis Einflussfaktoren auf elterliches Burnout mit Fokus auf queer- und heterosexuelle Eltern während der Feiertage
Florentine Haack Romance studies University of Vienna Master's thesis Imaginationen alternativer Beziehungsformen in der französischen lesbischen Literatur um 1900
Teresa Linzner Translation University of Vienna Master's thesis Beziehungsstatus: "Es ist (zu?) kompliziert." Besondere Herausforderungen beim Dolmetschen für asylsuchende Trans*genderpersonen
Kristina Stockburger Human medicine Medical University of Innsbruck Diploma thesis Einfluss von Gruppenzugehörigkeit auf Körperzufriedenheit bei sexuellen und geschlechtlichen Minoritäten
Kenneth Constance Loe Sculpture and Space Strategies Akademy of fine Arts Vienna Diploma thesis Bua Cek

Awardees 2022/23

Name Discipline University Type of thesis Titel
Margot Kreutzer History University of Vienna Master's thesis Wiens Tunten. (Un)doing gender seit Stonewall. Eine etwas andere Geschlechtergeschichte
Karoline-Rosina Strauch Genderstudies University of Vienna Master's thesis Non-Conformity, Androgyny, and Camp: Gender Expression through Artistic Experimentation in the Avant-Garde Movements of the Interwar Period
Alba Becker Musik therapy University of music and performative arts Vienna Diploma thesis  
Fabienne Moosbrugger & Nikolas Burtscher Social work FH Vorarlberg Master's thesis LGBTIQ* (k)ein Thema für die Soziale Arbeit in Vorarlberg?!
Felix Ihrig Sociology University of Vienna Dissertation Queere Gesundheitsversorgung in Österreich als Spannungsfeld zwischen affektiven Körperlichkeiten, Caring Community und Subjektivierungs-Strategien
Fiona Zacherl Gender Studies University of Vienna Master's thesis Vielfältige Liebe = Vielfältiger Ausschluss? Eine empirische Studie zu bisexuellen Menschen in Österreich